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The sacred hill in Nicaragua
15 October 2021

A river in Nicaragua’s North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region. Image by Alam Ramírez Zelaya

Environmental defenders in Nicaragua denounce government crackdown as elections loom

There is a sacred hill in Nicaragua known as Kiwakumbaih...

Animal-Kind International
19 August 2021

The Kwizera family visited the Uganda Society for the Protection & Care of Animals (an AKI Partner Organization) shelter and adopted not one but four kittens! More and more Ugandans are visiting the shelter to adopt dogs and cats (instead of going to a breeder or buying animals from sellers on the street). Ugandans are also making dogs and cats part of their family, whereas in the recent past, cats were solely for keeping pests away from the house and dogs were for protection.

Working for the growth of animal welfare in Africa

If you care about animals, something exciting is happening in Africa. Since most news stories only scratch the surface...

Dog Rescue in Central Africa
23 July 2021

Bushunju rescue group

Profile of founder of the Sauvons nos Animaux sanctuary

When I see a dog, no matter where I am, I am drawn to him.

LHCb discovers a new type of tetraquark at CERN
07 July 2020

Illustration of a tetraquark composed of two charm quarks and two charm antiquarks, detected for the first time by the LHCb collaboration at CERN. (Image: CERN)

The LHCb collaboration has observed an exotic particle made up of four charm quarks for the first time

CERN establishes task force to contribute to global fight against COVID-19
24 April 2020

Particle physicists propose stripped-down ventilator to help combat COVID-19. The design for this High Energy Ventilator (HEV) prototype was proposed by the LHCb collaboration. (Image: CERN)

CERN establishes a task force to identify and support contributions from the Organization to combatting COVID-19 pandemic

CERN Quantum Technology Initiative unveils strategic roadmap shaping CERN’s role in next quantum revolution
14 October 2021

The picture is a modified variant of the original Veronika McQuade's computer centre shot. (Image: CERN)

Geneva, 14 october 2021. The CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (CERN QTI) reaches its next milestone today, with the unveiling of a first roadmap defining its medium- and long-term quantum research programme.

Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and the Grail
23 July 2021

The baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, Giotto 1300s

Did Jesus Christ really existed? And the whole Christian pantheon? From the obvious lack of evidence of its existence, everything would suggest that the figure of Christ...

Indigenous peoples, less protected human beings
16 October 2020

 A delegation from Maori (New Zealand) performs a ritual song at the United Nations in New York

"We are living in the era of prophecy and this consequent time of discomfort, illness, difficulty, testify that humanity continues to mistreat and destroy Mother Earth." Iroquois Confederation of the Six Nations

Search for new physics through multiboson production
24 June 2020

Particle physicists propose stripped-down ventilator to help combat COVID-19. The design for this High Energy Ventilator (HEV) prototype was proposed by the LHCb collaboration. (Image: CERN)

The ATLAS and CMS experiments presented new results relating to a physics process called vector boson scattering

Coronavirus emergency: how do animals live this?
25 March 2020

In Milan, hares take back parks

The other species and the Earth take a sigh of relief

In this time of emergency in which human beings are alternating moments of creativity with moments of panic...


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